How do You Know if you are an Alcoholic? Read The Signs
How do you know if you are an alcoholic? Most of us aren't surrounded by people who will come up to as and tell us. Many of [...]
Alcoholics Anonymous and its Cohorts
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is known world-wide. It was founded by a man named Bill Wilson ("Bill W.") and Dr. Bob Smith in 1934. Dr. Smith helped the [...]
Fame, Fortune, and Addiction
Having attended numerous Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, I have always considered addiction synonymous with "loser." I know that's wrong and unfair, but the first thing that comes to [...]
Dr. Drew’s Funhouse
I'm a reality TV maniac. I love "American Idol" and "Dancing With the Stars". I have been watching "Survivor" since that freak walked naked on the beach. [...]
When A Man Loves A Woman
I have been sitting here at the computer all day and thought I would take a break and pick out a few movies on Netflix. I roamed [...]
The Hellgramite Method
There are, of course, many ways to stop drinking. I chose outright abstinence with a little support from a therapist. Some of my best friends have gone [...]
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