Most people who drink a lot will suffer severe effects when they quit. If you have ever watched “Celebrity Rehab,” you get a first-hand look at alcohol withdrawal symptoms. They aren’t pretty.
There are several factors that determine the severity of alcoholism withdrawal symptoms.
- How long have you been drinking?
- How much do you drink?
- How drunk are you at the time of your last drink?
Withdrawal symptoms range from mild to potentially fatal.
Mild Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
- Shaking
- Headache
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Sweating
- Tiredness
- Difficulty in thinking
Severe Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
- Confusion or Hallucinations
- Severe Shaking
- Convulsions
- Seizures
- Blackouts
No one should attempt to withdrawal from alcohol on their own EVER because of the potential of complications. If you are planning on quitting drinking, make sure you talk to a doctor and get people with experience in alcohol detoxification to help you. Remember that alcohol is a poison.
When your “detoxing” – you are ridding your body of toxic material and this is serious business.
Actually, withdrawal lasts up at least two years so the possibility of you sleeping through it is unlikely. I am an alcoholic and I enrolled in the Army Substance Abuse Program and was given information on Post Acute Withdrawl. Your brain needs time to learn to function again without alcohol. Irritability and sleeping problems are also symptoms of withdrawal, which I experienced when I quit drinking for three weeks. I started sleeping all day and I was extremely moody and I felt the only way to get myself back to normal was to start drinking again. I will need some outside help if I wish to conquer this addiction.