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Alcoholism Recovery

/Alcoholism Recovery
15 Dec

Not Drinking During Holidays

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Holidays can be a very trying time when you’re a recovering alcoholic especially family get gathering where your friends and family are more than likely going to be drinking. Below is information you should consider doing so your occupied and not feeling pressured to drink at family gatherings or events. […]

25 Aug

AA Sponsors

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I spoke with an individual that has been an alcoholism sponsor for over two decades. He has helped and guided several individuals struggling with sobriety over the years. This sponsor has also lost a few alcoholics along the way. Asked about it, he says that they were all worth it, no matter how demanding or [...]

17 Aug

Alcoholism Withdrawals

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Most people who drink a lot will suffer severe effects when they quit. If you have ever watched “Celebrity Rehab,” you get a first-hand look at alcohol withdrawal symptoms. They aren’t pretty. There are several factors that determine the severity of alcoholism withdrawal symptoms. […]