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1 Aug

The Language of AA

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If there is anything that will turn a person off of AA or any other 12-Step Program, it is the inside lingo, the slang that is used within the programs. Sit down and have a cup of coffee with me while I interpret some of what you will hear at a meeting. The “Big Book [...]

24 Feb

Alcoholics Anonymous and its Cohorts

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Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is known world-wide. It was founded by a man named Bill Wilson ("Bill W.") and Dr. Bob Smith in 1934. Dr. Smith helped the then alcoholic Bill W. and helped to create a word-of-mouth group of people who would support each other in pursuit of lifelong sobriety. Within a year, there were [...]

4 Feb

The Final Steps

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Having completed Steps 1 through 10, Steps 11 and 12 are a call to action. Step 11 is a time to pray, meditate, or consult with your higher power and ask for continuing help, knowledge, and power. For those of us without a recognized higher power, this is a non-step. I have no one to [...]

23 Jan

Progress Not Perfection

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Alcoholics Anonymous has as an honest and noble goal, one that isn't too daunting for most people - that progress is the goal, not perfection. We can't turn ourselves into perfect little people by reading a book and following the steps. No amount of pleading or divulging or surrendering will keep us from what we [...]

12 Jan

Three Steps at a Time

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Within days of my last drink, I thumbed through the Yellow Pages and found a female shrink, whose name seemed kind and whose office was within walking distance. I made an appointment and spent the next three years seeing her once or twice a week. In order for her to help me, she insisted that [...]

6 Jan

AA – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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After I first quit drinking, I went to several AA meetings. At that time, people were allowed to smoke in meetings, and everyone did - including me. My biggest fear regarding AA meetings was being spotted by someone who knew me. I knew that my father was attending meetings at that time (a story for [...]

20 Dec

Hi, My Name Is…

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“Hi, my name is Dee and I’m an alcoholic.” That is what I am supposed to stand up and say at an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting, but I have never done it. When the leader asks if there is anyone new or anyone celebrating a “birthday” (the anniversary of the day an alcoholic became sober), [...]