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So far pgh has created 66 blog entries.
25 Mar

The Last Drink

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The last drink I had is one I don’t remember. I wonder how many other people can say that? Probably many. I remember part of the night, I remember what I wore, I remember at least one of the places I visited, but that last drink or the several before it are less than a [...]

5 Mar

Drunk and Sometimes Productive

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When I was a teenager, I worked part-time at a local government office – quite a large one with perhaps 200 people employed in the one building. At the stroke of 12:00, several times a week, the building would empty, people would carpool to the nearest restaurant and have a proper, sit-down lunch. Lunch included [...]

27 Feb

How do You Know if you are an Alcoholic? Read The Signs

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How do you know if you are an alcoholic? Most of us aren't surrounded by people who will come up to as and tell us. Many of us find out way too late, after the damage has been done. What are the signs of alcoholism and how is it different from just being a "partier" [...]

24 Feb

Alcoholics Anonymous and its Cohorts

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Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is known world-wide. It was founded by a man named Bill Wilson ("Bill W.") and Dr. Bob Smith in 1934. Dr. Smith helped the then alcoholic Bill W. and helped to create a word-of-mouth group of people who would support each other in pursuit of lifelong sobriety. Within a year, there were [...]

21 Feb

Fame, Fortune, and Addiction

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Having attended numerous Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, I have always considered addiction synonymous with "loser." I know that's wrong and unfair, but the first thing that comes to mind when I think of an alcoholic or drug addict is a tattooed man, smelling of cigarette smoke, wearing saggy jeans and an old baseball cap. It is [...]

18 Feb

Dr. Drew’s Funhouse

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I'm a reality TV maniac. I love "American Idol" and "Dancing With the Stars". I have been watching "Survivor" since that freak walked naked on the beach. Heck, I even remember Real World San Francisco and that incredibly despicable, Puck. Now, I am addicted to "Celebrity Rehab" with Dr. Drew. My husband, who is several [...]

15 Feb

When A Man Loves A Woman

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I have been sitting here at the computer all day and thought I would take a break and pick out a few movies on Netflix. I roamed through the romantic comedy category and came across dear Meg Ryan, which led me to gorgeous Andy Garcia, which led me to "When A Man Loves A Woman." [...]

12 Feb

The Hellgramite Method

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There are, of course, many ways to stop drinking. I chose outright abstinence with a little support from a therapist. Some of my best friends have gone the Alcoholics Anonymous route. Modern medicine has recognized the need to supplement simple human will power with medications that work to aid in the prevention of alcoholism. Some [...]

9 Feb

Slippery Slope

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A slippery slope is defined as "a tricky precarious situation, especially one that leads gradually but inexorably to disaster." The slippery slope is the fear of every alcoholic. The slippery slope is for some people that first drink. For others it is a pain-killer or cough medicine. For someone I know, a mouthful of Scope [...]

6 Feb

Sweet Sixteen

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At the age of sixteen, a Christmas gift from my parents was a splendid "Beers of the World" collection, featuring 12 bottles of beer from different countries. Earlier that year I had spent several drunken evenings finishing off boxes of wine with my mother. I was the chief "joint-roller" in my home, with an innate [...]